West Valley Church of Christ
18604 W. Lower Buckeye Rd.
Goodyear, Az. 85338
Email Address:
Phone: 623-695-5623
West Valley Church of Christ, is accepting information related to the filling of a full-time minister position. We are a congregation of approximately 50 in need of a preacher/minister able to feed this flock with Gospel preaching, excited to reach out to the community, sharing The Word. We prefer a family man with a stable marriage/family life, with formal Bible training, and a solid understanding of God’s Word. We are searching for a man, committed to encouraging Biblical interest & knowledge, along with a service-oriented attitude, providing a coordinated effort to grow the youth membership as well as feeding the mature members with solid Gospel preaching.
We are well positioned for future growth and are looking for the man that can work in the development of this congregation to spiritual and numeric growth. If you have an interest in the position or would like further information, please contact us at the email address or phone number above.
May God bless you in His Work.