Southgate Church of Christ, San Angelo, Texas
Full-time Youth Minister charged with encouraging and equipping teenagers for Christian living, service, and leadership in the family, the local congregation, and the broader community to the glory of Christ. All the responsibilities of this position are to be conducted for the purpose of fulfilling this charge. Salary is commensurate with education and experience.
- Provide Christ-like leadership to teenagers, their parents, and others involved in the youth ministry
- Provide Biblically sound instruction to teenagers in Bible classes and other settings
- Facilitate Christ-centered fellowship and involvement of teenagers with one another and with the broader congregation for the purposes of relational and spiritual development and service to others
- Manage and account for resources allocated to the youth ministry in an ethical and prudent manner
- Interact and communicate in a timely, cordial, and professional manner with other members of the church staff, leadership, congregation, and the community
- Seek opportunities for personal spiritual growth and continuous improvement of the youth ministry
- Be an available, visible, and active member of the Southgate family and the Concho Valley community
- Faithful Christian and member of a church of Christ
- A heart for teenagers, the family, Christ’s church, and the lost
- Married to a faithful Christian wife who is willing and able to assist in this ministry
- Superior interpersonal skills and energy needed to work effectively with diverse and intergenerational individuals and teams
- Excellent written and oral communication skills, organizational skills, and technology skills
- Bachelor’s degree in a related field, including education
- Record of success in a similar position, including education
- This position is under the oversight of the eldership and is an integral member of the ministry staff/team, consisting of three full-time ministers and two full-time office professionals.
- All staff members complete an annual development plan, reviewed by the eldership.
- Ministers and their wives serve as members of ministry teams consisting of elders, deacons, ministry leaders, and others in various ministries of Southgate Church of Christ.
- The candidate should email a letter of application that addresses the responsibilities, qualifications, and organizational relationships listed above, a current resume’, and a list of at least three references to:
- The candidate’s references should email OR mail signed letters of reference to: OR Southgate Church of Christ, Attention: Youth Director Search Committee, 528 Country Club Road, San Angelo, TX 76904.