Below is a listing of congregations or works where qualified ministers or missionaries are needed. Please advise us when these positions are filled. To add, renew, or remove a listing, please see the yellow information boxes.
Please note that SIBI is unable to verify the accuracy of every listing, and that a listing on this page does not necessarily constitute an endorsement of any kind.
Youth Minister
Position: Fulltime Youth Minister
Church Name: Naples Church of Christ
Address: P.O. Box 710 / 303 Main Street, Naples, TX 75568
Contact Phone Number: 720-371-1269 (Steve Curtis/Minister)
Contact E-mail: (Send resume’ here)
Average Attendance: 140
Do you want to be part of what God is growing in Naples, TX? This unique youth ministry context is not something you want to overlook! In our rural town – God brings through our doors dozens of community children and teenagers each week. We’re looking for a youth minister to coordinate our ministry to students in 7th-12th grades.
We are a family-focused church that has a well-established youth ministry. It’s a wonderful opportunity to love people and continue to grow as a minister.
Check out this video to learn more about our church and this opportunity:
Responsibilities include:
● Develop and implement student ministry curriculum, events, and social activities
● Build relationships with students through evangelism, discipleship, and mentoring
● Collaborate with parents and church leadership team
● Assist as needed in congregational and area-wide activities
● Bachelor’s degree in Bible or Ministry preferred
● Experience will be considered where a degree is not present
Houseparent Couple Needed to Practice Pure Religion
The Practice of Pure Religion from James 1:27
Children’s Homes Inc.’s (CHI’s) family-style Experiential Learning Academy (ELA) has an immediate opening for a Christian husband and wife team to serve as HOUSEPARENTS.
Married couples committed to ministry who are graduates of Bible institutes, preacher schools, Christian colleges and universities often become preachers, youth and family ministers, missionaries etc. There is another option that also includes a paid ministry position for not just the Christian man, but also the Christian woman…Houseparenting!
Congregations of the churches of Christ across the United States support various children’s homes. Most are funded by a combination of funds from the government, churches and individuals. Government funding often interferes with the spiritual mission of Christian children’s homes…but not at Children’s Homes, Inc.
CHI is a family-style children’s home with an academy fully-funded by Christians and churches of Christ, not the government. CHI started as a ministry of the 7th and Mueller Church of Christ in 1955. Today, the shepherds of this church still make up the governing board of the ministry and continue to provide oversite. CHI continues as a ministry of the church of Christ with spiritual and financial support from roughly 400 congregations, 17,000 individual donors and a small endowment.
CHI’s ELA is located in Paragould, Ark., on a combined 380 picturesque acres on beautiful Crowley’s Ridge in Northeast Arkansas. CHI is twenty minutes from Jonesboro Ark., two hours from Little Rock Ark,. an hour and a half from Memphis Tenn., and four hours from Saint Louis, Mo.
CHI is a ministry that:
• Practices the principles of James 1:27 by lifting the burdens of orphans missing one or both parents;
• Apprentices youth to become resilient followers of Jesus Christ;
• Teaches youth how to live with and trust a traditional family environment;
• Allows natural and simulated experiences to teach youth how to function at a higher level and accept discomfort
as a normal occurrence of real life;
• Trains youth how to hold themselves accountable when only God is watching;
• Shows youth by example and instruction how to self-regulate; and
• Decreases the negative impact past trauma has on their present day lives.
Students live in one of eight single Family Homes (FHs) lead by a husband and wife team. Each houseparent couple serves up to six youth of the same gender grades six through eleven (ages eleven through seventeen). Each family home has separate 900 to 1,200 sq. ft. private living quarters for houseparent families. The family homes are 3,500 to 3,700 sq. ft. of total living space.
Houseparent couples earn a base gross salary of $60,000 annually. Gross salary increases are possible based on prior houseparenting experience. Houseparent couples receive 12 weeks off annually. The husband serves in the family home, as well as away from it in another role at CHI from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. M-F. Lunch is up to an hour a day. The total gross cash salary, benefit package, plus savings totals $119,232.84 annually. A breakdown of the latter is sent upon request.
Prospective couples should be:
• Active member of the church of Christ;
• Married a minimum of two years;
• High school graduates or equivalent;
• Twenty-four years or older;
• Free of no red flags from background checks;
• In possession of a current valid driver’s license;
• American citizens or possess a Permanent
Resident Card or Green Card;
• Fluent in English;
• Open-minded and willing to learn;
• Team players; and
• Able to collect three positive non-relative references.
If you are interested in learning more about houseparenting
and the practice of pure religion, contact
Paul Schandevel at
You can also text or call 870.236.0682 anytime.
5515 Walcott Road • Paragould, AR 72450
(870) 239-4031 •
The Hagerstown Church of Christ, in Hagerstown, Maryland, is looking for a full time Evangelist to help spread the gospel in a Tri-State area. The minister will be responsible for preaching on Sunday mornings, teaching bible classes as assigned, conducting personal bible studies as needed, and supporting other congregational activities. The successful candidate will be expected to work cooperatively with the Elders, Deacons, and other Members of the Church. Our existing minister recently retired after a 32-year career here. Other information about the church can be found at Please email resume, letter of interest, and any supporting materials to
Youth Minister
West Erwin Church of Christ, Tyler, Texas
The West Erwin youth minister will have overall accountability for the West Erwin Student Ministry. His primary priority is training and leading the West Erwin students (6th-12th grades) into discipleship and a deeper relationship with the Lord and His church.
The expectations for the Youth Minister include, but are not limited to:
1. A healthy prayer life and consistent study time in the Bible
2. Solid leadership and oversight of the overall Student Ministry
3. Consistent growth in the Student Ministry in the following areas:
• Baptisms and development of disciples
• Leadership development among teens
• Spiritual and numerical growth of the WESM membership and participation
• Growth of WESM programs
• Consistent and prompt follow up with visitors to class, church, Youth activities, and meetings
Contact –
The La Junta church of Christ is currently seeking a full-time evangelist. We are a congregation of 50 and have a nice house provided. We currently have a number of different ministries offered to community such as Youth Uplift and Sizzling Samaritans for children/youth, a pantry is stocked with food and a clothing closet for those who are in need.
We are seeking an evangelist that:
1. Loves the Lord and His word first and foremost
2. Loves the brethren as he works to increase their faith
3. Loves the lost as he reaches out to those in our community.
Youth and Family Minister – Full-Time
The Church of Christ on West Olive (Peoriza, Arizona) is searching for a Youth and Family Minister to help grow the youth, young adults and families within our congregation of approximately 300 people to spiritual maturity. Primary responsibilities include coordinating fellowship activities among our young adults and families and directing the education ministry. Other responsibilities include teaching, preaching (as needed), and working alongside the Pulpit Minister and Elders to equip the congregation for works of service and proclamation of the Gospel. The ideal candidate will have a bachelor’s degree from a school within the brotherhood, have at least 5 years’ experience working with young adults, is self-motivated and enjoys working with families.
Interested applicants should email a resumé and links to Bible class teachings and sermon videos to
Full-Time Preacher/Minister (Part-Time Considered)
The Brownfield Church of Christ in Brownfield, Texas is seeking a full-time preacher/minister (part-time considered) for our congregation of approximately 130 members. Live streaming of services is provided. The church is served by five Elders and three Deacons.
The ideal candidate must have pulpit experience and a degree in Bible from a Christian college/university or preaching school. Messages should include addressing difficult topics and current challenges that impact the daily lives of the congregation and challenge members to think and dig deeper into the scriptures. He must engage spiritually and socially with all segments of the congregation and community. He must be able to teach adult Bible classes as well as “one on one” individual Bible studies. Additionally, office hours along with outreach and visitation time each week are an important part of this ministry. Compensation will be commensurate with experience and qualifications and is negotiable. We do not offer health care benefits.
The candidate’s ministry must include, but is not limited to, the following areas of service.
• Preaching challenging and inspirational sermons
• Evangelizing through community outreach
• Counseling members who have various issues
• Officiating funerals and weddings
• Encouraging and motivating others
• Husband of a wife who is supportive, involved, and contributes to the edification and growth of the church
Applicants should submit a cover letter, resume describing work history, education, and references. If available, please provide either video copies of three recent sermons and classes or a link that will allow viewing these videos online. Send the above via email to:
The Elders of Brownfield Church of Christ
Preaching Minister-Full Time
The church of Christ in Casa Grande, AZ is searching for a full-time pulpit minister/Bible class teacher to help spread the word in a growing city of 53 thousand. We are a diverse congregation with a current average Sunday attendance of 80 and prior attendance of 130.
The candidate is to be a graduate with a Bible degree from a church of Christ affiliated college, university or schooling of preaching. Be sound in his sermons, Bible classes and doctrine.
Responsibilities will include teaching Sunday morning Bible class and preaching Sunday morning and afternoon sermons and to teach Wednesday evening Bible class and devotional, visit members and shut-ins, conduct or attend Bible studies and outreach programs.
Ideal candidate would be a married man with children, energetic and completely dedicated to serving the Lord and spreading his word under the oversight of the men’s leadership.
Benefits include a competitive salary and a modern parsonage.
Contact or send resumes to:
Curtis Odom at (520)483-3183
Perry Page at (907)539-5609
Kim Myers at (520)251-0253
Pulpit Minister
Do you want to work with a church of Christ congregation who desires to follow Christ and His teachings? Consider applying for the open preacher position in beautiful Kalispell, Montana which is 70 miles from the Canadian border and 40 miles west of Glacier National Park.
Responsibilities include preaching and teaching and being part of our church family. The ideal candidate would be able to minister to our members regardless of age. Our membership consists of both young families and retirees.
Our attendance is 125-150 on Sunday and is made up of loving people from across the nation who have a variety of interests and backgrounds. We currently have three Elders and three Deacons.
Our offered compensation package has an approximate value up to $100,000/year depending on experience. The package consists of rent and utility free housing in a three-bedroom parsonage on the church property, a matching retirement plan as well as medical and educational allowances. Vacation time can grow with sustained employment.
We will be accepting applications until the position is filled. Interested parties should send resume and video lessons to this email address:
Our website can be found at
Preaching and Outreach Minister
Juneau Church of Christ
Juneau is located at the northern end of the famous “Inside Passage” in Southeast Alaska. While it is uniquely on the mainland, it feels more like an island because you can’t drive there without putting your car on a ferry. It is served by Alaska Airlines (and sometimes Delta). Juneau is Alaska’s capital city with a population of approximately 32,000. However, this population is spread out, with roughly half of the population in the downtown and Douglas Island areas to the south and the other half in the Mendenhall Valley and Auke Bay areas to the north, with smaller neighborhoods spread throughout. The Juneau Church of Christ meets in the Mendenhall Valley
but consists of members from all areas of town.
Brief History of the Juneau Congregation
The origin of the Juneau Church of Christ goes back to a missional effort of churches in Southern California back in the 1940s and has been in continuous existence ever since. The present church building was completed in the early 1970s. A parsonage followed a few years later and an additional building was added to the campus in 1991.
Size of the Congregation
The size of the congregation has fluctuated over the years, with Sunday morning attendance as high as 160 in the 1990’s to approximately 80 today. By its unique geography and climate, the community of Juneau experiences a high rate of turnover. Over the years, this congregation has influenced many other congregations “Down South” due to the number of people who have grown in faith here and who, for any number of reasons, subsequently moved to serve the Lord elsewhere. The fluctuating job markets in government, tourism, mining, and the U.S. Coast Guard factor into this higher rate of movement.
A Unique and Diverse Congregation
The Juneau Church of Christ is culturally and theologically diverse for several reasons. Our congregation shares the same cultural diversity as our city. In addition to people of European origin, Juneau has a large population of Tlingit & Haida Indigenous peoples, a large Filipino community, and many who have roots in Samoa and Tonga.
This congregation is also unique in the fact that there has always been only one congregation associated with the Churches of Christ. Over the years we have been successful at avoiding the tendency for multiple flavors of the Churches of Christ to spring up in a community, due to brothers and sisters separating over one issue or another. We recognize God’s grace in this area. So, it does mean that we have a congregation of people from a wide variety of backgrounds, traditions, influences, and theological and cultural perspectives. We continue to challenge ourselves to love and serve each other in unity with these differences. While on the surface the Juneau Church of Christ is largely similar to other mainline Churches of Christ, there is an active understanding that our mission to love each other and serving the Lord in this community is a higher mission than insisting on uniformity of thought on all issues. Anyone coming to serve with this congregation will need to have a heart for loving and serving each other and to keep the main thing the main thing.
Our Mission
The desired mission of the Juneau Church of Christ is to love and serve God, to proclaim the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and equipped by the power of the Holy Spirit, to live these truths out loud by loving and serving others in His name.
What We are Looking for in a Minister
We are looking for a man who loves the Lord, loves people, and has a passion to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. Ideally, this would be a man with a wife who is a life partner with the the same love for God and people. While the primary duties of the minister would be to preach and teach the ways of God as taught in the Scriptures, we desire the man, his wife, and his family, to be fully participating members of the congregation, equal in the community of believers, ready and willing to join in the building up of our small part of the body of Christ.
Contact Us
Send a letter of interest, a resume, a link to recent sermon recordings, and three references to:
Attention Elders:
Juneau Church of Christ
8755 Trinity Drive
Juneau, Alaska 99801
If the position you listed is still open and its expiration is nearing, you can renew your listing and it will be extended for an additional 3 months. Listings can continue to be renewed as many times as needed until the position is filled. To renew your listing, please send a request to the webmaster and specify which listing is yours.