Ministers Needed

Below is a listing of congregations or works where qualified ministers or missionaries are needed. Please advise us when these positions are filled. To add, renew, or remove a listing, please see the yellow information boxes.

Please note that SIBI is unable to verify the accuracy of every listing, and that a listing on this page does not necessarily constitute an endorsement of any kind.


Nashua Church of Christ – New Hampshire

We are a small group of God-loving men, women, and children who collaboratively share in the work and worship of the church, and we strive to be a people who love God, love others, and serve the world.
Our current and recent past major ministries include:
• Nashua Church of Christ Food Pantry – A growing mission, which largely connects with the local Hispanic population. (
• Gander Brook Christian Camp – A youth and family camp in Raymond, Maine (
• Samara Russia Church of Christ – Continued support for a church in Samara, Russia.
• Dominican Republic Mission Work – Dominican Republic – Manna Global Missions
• Central America Mission Work – Mission Lazurus
The church building is located in Nashua, NH (population – 90,000) in a residential area on the city’s outskirts. The building has ample parking and is well-maintained with a capacity for 150-200 people in the worship hall.

View the complete job description on the website.

Full-time Minister

The Gaylord Church of Christ in northern Michigan is looking for a full-time preacher who is a humble servant and is willing to work alongside the elders and the congregation. He must be sound in the faith and evangelistic. We are a congregation of 30 members, we have three elders, and are self-supporting. The salary is negotiable. We want to grow spiritually and in number. If interested, send a resume to the
Gaylord Church of Christ
PO Box 894
Gaylord, MI 49734
Contact person: Mark Sherfield, 989-619-2664.

Full-Time Minister

The Church of Christ in Tabernacle, New Jersey, is actively seeking a full-time minister. Our desire is to find a partner to help Plant and Water in our community located in southern New Jersey, approximately forty-five minutes from both Philadelphia and the coast. We are a mission-focused, youth-minded, close-knit, loving, active congregation. The church has approximately 125 diverse members led by Elders and Deacons. We are looking for a minister who has a deep knowledge of scripture, a passion for sharing the gospel and the drive to develop others spiritually. The primary responsibilities include preaching, teaching class, evangelizing in the community, and ministering to the family. A Bible degree with preaching experience is preferred but not required. Technology skills or the willingness and ability to learn are highly desired. Compensation includes housing and a salary that is negotiable based on experience and qualifications. Interested candidates should send a cover letter, resume, three references and a minimum of two links to sermons to

Pulpit Minister

Blue Starr church of Christ in Claremore, Oklahoma is prayerfully seeking a service minded Minister to replace our retiring minister after nearly 30 years of service.
Shepherded by 4 elders with a Sunday AM attendance in the 175 to 200 range, the congregation is nearing 115 years of sharing God’s love through local ministries and global missions.
Applicant must have a passion to share God’s love through both words and actions, committed to speaking truth and willing to engage the congregation and community directly as a loving resource and servant. Our preferred candidate will be a family man with stable marriage and whose wife is a strong supporter of his ministry.
We prefer Bible education from a Christian college or school of preaching with at least 8 years’ experience as a main minister (preaching, teaching classes, ministering to membership/community, evangelizing, and bible studies).
Blue Starr’s minister role pays a competitive salary, provision of house or housing allowance and matching retirement plan. Interested candidates should submit a resume with current references and provide access to three recent sermons to the elders via or call with any questions or clarifications to our office 918-341-0531.

Youth Minister

Sherwood Church of Christ, Odessa, Texas

Youth and Family Minister Job Description

Responsibilities to the Church
1. Actively support the overall direction and vision of the church, with a primary emphasis on how it effects the youth through teachings, events, and activities.
2. Be active in the worship service through the service rotations (to lead opening prayer, communion thoughts, lead singing, scripture reading, etc.)
3. Preach when needed.

Responsibilities to the Office/Staff

1. Serve and work alongside the other ministers and staff of the church.
2. Participate in shared staff responsibilities (hospital visits, visitor follow-up, etc.)
3. Participate in elder’s meetings.
4. Maintain consistent office hours with the understand that ministry is flexible and requires out of office duties as well.

Job Description

1. Coordinate and lead the Youth Ministry of Sherwood Church of Christ.
2. Develop a relationship with the youth and their parents in the Youth Ministry.
3. Recruit, organize, and train volunteers, as needed.
4. Participate in summer youth camps, retreats, and trips.
5. Plan, coordinate and lead teen activities
6. Create a calendar of the yearly activities and communicate that in a timely manner with elders, staff, and parents.
7. Communicate clearly though modes of texting, texting apps, and email with parents, volunteers, ministers, and elders.
8. Develop and maintain a yearly youth budget.
9. Keep up with current youth culture and events.
10. Participate in continuing education opportunities through conferences like NCYM, workshops, etc.
11. Mentor students by spending time with them in church and out of church.
12. Mentor parents by keeping them updated with books, articles, or other resources on various issues that may arise in their family and culture.
13. Attend youth events to encourage students and build report.
14. Develop a relationship with the younger students (not in youth group yet) to prepare them and a relationship with yourself in the years to come.
15. Organize KFC (Kids for Christ) events for the younger group of kids.
16. Be able to teach/organize the youth group into older/younger groups for specific activities and lessons as well as being all together as one big group.
17. Be able to break up high school and junior high classes for specific teaching purposes as well as combining them together for other classes.
18. Must be able to pass a background check.

Job Requirements

Qualified applicants should have a degree in Bible from a university or Bible institute or equivalent experience with emphasis on youth. Preferred candidates should also have a minimum of two years’ experience as a youth minister, an Educator, or as an Associate Minister with youth ministry experience.  The candidate must be mature and tested in his faith.

The ideal candidate for the Youth Minister position would be a married man who has been raised in the church of Christ as well as his wife.


Health insurance is provided, continuing education budget is provided, 14 days of paid vacation, as well as observing 9 federal holidays.

Please email resume and a link to a sermon to

Youth Minister

One Hope Church of Christ, Midland, Texas, is in search of a motivated man of God to lead its youth group. God has blessed us with a growing group of kids from 6th grade to 12th in an area of Midland that has so much potential to further God’s kingdom more. We are looking for a man who is mission minded and sound in God’s word. One Hope is a congregation of approximately 180 members with 3 elders and 9 deacons. Responsibilities will include:
Teaching (youth), leading devotionals (youth)and events (youth), coordinating
youth events. Summer youth activities and camps. Preaching (when needed). Working along side with our preacher, elders, and deacons to incorporate youth activities with congregation activities and service work. Bachelor’s degree in ministry or youth ministry preferred. Experience preferred but not necessary to apply. Please send resumes and any sermon videos to Scott Sheppard ( or contact 4326614667 for more information.

Fulltime Minister

The minister at the Eureka, IL Church of Christ preaches and teaches a young adult class on Sunday mornings, and teaches an adult class on Wednesday evenings. Other duties include being a representative of the congregation to the public, provide spiritual counseling, and prepare a weekly bulletin.
Eureka, IL is located between Peoria and Bloomington, IL. The church has 60 members, two deacons, and three elders. We provide support for eight missionaries or efforts in the U.S. and globally.

Youth Minister

Position: Fulltime Youth Minister
Church Name: Naples Church of Christ
Address: P.O. Box 710 / 303 Main Street, Naples, TX 75568
Contact Phone Number: 720-371-1269 (Steve Curtis/Minister)
Contact E-mail: (Send resume’ here)
Average Attendance: 140

Do you want to be part of what God is growing in Naples, TX? This unique youth ministry context is not something you want to overlook! In our rural town – God brings through our doors dozens of community children and teenagers each week. We’re looking for a youth minister to coordinate our ministry to students in 7th-12th grades.

We are a family-focused church that has a well-established youth ministry. It’s a wonderful opportunity to love people and continue to grow as a minister.
Check out this video to learn more about our church and this opportunity:
Responsibilities include:
● Develop and implement student ministry curriculum, events, and social activities
● Build relationships with students through evangelism, discipleship, and mentoring
● Collaborate with parents and church leadership team
● Assist as needed in congregational and area-wide activities
● Bachelor’s degree in Bible or Ministry preferred
● Experience will be considered where a degree is not present

Houseparent Couple Needed to Practice Pure Religion

The Practice of Pure Religion from James 1:27
Children’s Homes Inc.’s (CHI’s) family-style Experiential Learning Academy (ELA) has an immediate opening for a Christian husband and wife team to serve as HOUSEPARENTS.
Married couples committed to ministry who are graduates of Bible institutes, preacher schools, Christian colleges and universities often become preachers, youth and family ministers, missionaries etc. There is another option that also includes a paid ministry position for not just the Christian man, but also the Christian woman…Houseparenting!
Congregations of the churches of Christ across the United States support various children’s homes. Most are funded by a combination of funds from the government, churches and individuals. Government funding often interferes with the spiritual mission of Christian children’s homes…but not at Children’s Homes, Inc.
CHI is a family-style children’s home with an academy fully-funded by Christians and churches of Christ, not the government. CHI started as a ministry of the 7th and Mueller Church of Christ in 1955. Today, the shepherds of this church still make up the governing board of the ministry and continue to provide oversite. CHI continues as a ministry of the church of Christ with spiritual and financial support from roughly 400 congregations, 17,000 individual donors and a small endowment.
CHI’s ELA is located in Paragould, Ark., on a combined 380 picturesque acres on beautiful Crowley’s Ridge in Northeast Arkansas. CHI is twenty minutes from Jonesboro Ark., two hours from Little Rock Ark,. an hour and a half from Memphis Tenn., and four hours from Saint Louis, Mo.
CHI is a ministry that:
• Practices the principles of James 1:27 by lifting the burdens of orphans missing one or both parents;
• Apprentices youth to become resilient followers of Jesus Christ;
• Teaches youth how to live with and trust a traditional family environment;
• Allows natural and simulated experiences to teach youth how to function at a higher level and accept discomfort
as a normal occurrence of real life;
• Trains youth how to hold themselves accountable when only God is watching;
• Shows youth by example and instruction how to self-regulate; and
• Decreases the negative impact past trauma has on their present day lives.
Students live in one of eight single Family Homes (FHs) lead by a husband and wife team. Each houseparent couple serves up to six youth of the same gender grades six through eleven (ages eleven through seventeen). Each family home has separate 900 to 1,200 sq. ft. private living quarters for houseparent families. The family homes are 3,500 to 3,700 sq. ft. of total living space.
Houseparent couples earn a base gross salary of $60,000 annually. Gross salary increases are possible based on prior houseparenting experience. Houseparent couples receive 12 weeks off annually. The husband serves in the family home, as well as away from it in another role at CHI from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. M-F. Lunch is up to an hour a day. The total gross cash salary, benefit package, plus savings totals $119,232.84 annually. A breakdown of the latter is sent upon request.
Prospective couples should be:
• Active member of the church of Christ;
• Married a minimum of two years;
• High school graduates or equivalent;
• Twenty-four years or older;
• Free of no red flags from background checks;
• In possession of a current valid driver’s license;
• American citizens or possess a Permanent
Resident Card or Green Card;
• Fluent in English;
• Open-minded and willing to learn;
• Team players; and
• Able to collect three positive non-relative references.
If you are interested in learning more about houseparenting
and the practice of pure religion, contact
Paul Schandevel at
You can also text or call 870.236.0682 anytime.
5515 Walcott Road • Paragould, AR 72450
(870) 239-4031 •


The Hagerstown Church of Christ, in Hagerstown, Maryland, is looking for a full time Evangelist to help spread the gospel in a Tri-State area. The minister will be responsible for preaching on Sunday mornings, teaching bible classes as assigned, conducting personal bible studies as needed, and supporting other congregational activities. The successful candidate will be expected to work cooperatively with the Elders, Deacons, and other Members of the Church. Our existing minister recently retired after a 32-year career here. Other information about the church can be found at Please email resume, letter of interest, and any supporting materials to

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